Premature Baby in ICU, Walks at 18 Months with the Help of Innate Rhythmic Movements and Reflex Integration

Submitted by By Lisa Muir, OT

Premature Baby in ICU, Walks at 18 Months with the Help of Innate Rhythmic Movements and Reflex Integration
Could not coordinate his legs, which was preventing him from learning to walk; expected never to walk without aid
Walked within the normal milestone timeframe (18 months)

Case study
Client: MC
Age: 18 months

MC was brought to me by his mother, who, after a traumatic birth experience found that her little boy was battling to coordinate his legs effectively, greatly hindering his ability to learn how to walk. Her pediatrician told her that her son would probably never walk without aid nor be able to play sport. After diligently complying to an intensive physiotherapy and traditional occupational therapy regime, she sought my advice.

I was thankfully right in the middle of my [Brain and Sensory Foundations] course with Sonia, and was very excited to share with this mommy all I had been learning. I also quickly wrote to Sonia, who graciously wrote right back and gave me very sound guidance in how to assist him even further.

We put together a home program, which focused on rhythmic movements, and foot reflexes, as well as belly crawling and barefoot walking.

I started seeing MC in July 2019, below is a copy of the testimony his mom has recently written.

MC was born 1 month premature and after a traumatic birth and having spent 3 weeks in ICU, things weren’t looking good. We were told that our son would never be able to walk without aid, let alone play sports. After having spent 4 months of intensive physiotherapy and occupational therapy, we felt he wasn’t making progress. We found Lisa and started on her [Brain and Sensory Foundations] program, which was a much less invasive and natural method focusing on establishing his reflexes in his legs, coupled with innate rhythmic movements. MC ended up loving the rhythmic movement and we still do it daily. After a short while we started seeing dramatic improvement and he even started walking within the normal milestone timeframe (18 months). We were thrilled! At his 18 month pediatrician follow up the pediatrician confirmed that his reflexes are now normal! She said it was a miracle. Thank you Lees for guiding us and giving us the correct advice that made all the difference. I think it has all been a combination of everything we did but there is no doubt that this therapy made a huge difference. Especially having intervened so early. We would definitely recommend this to other parents. (September 2019)

Another little miracle story for a family who were encouraged to abandon hope for their little boy, who, after 3 months of dedicated neurodevelopmental movements [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course], are now able to watch him toddle around and engage with his environment, and them, in an age appropriate manner.

[Emphasis added]


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