Girl Goes From Stuttering and Difficulty Focusing to Clearer Thoughts and Fluent Speech

Submitted by TW

Girl Goes From Stuttering and Difficulty Focusing to Clearer Thoughts and Fluent Speech
Would often get hung up in the middle of a sentence, and say, "aah, mmhm, aah" etc. before continuing.
Talking more fluently.
Had a bit of a stutter when anxious.
Stutters now only very occasionally.
Sometimes took longer than expected to formulate a thought.
Thoughts are more flowing.
Difficulty focusing.
Much better focus.

 One of the kids that I worked with was a ten year old girl who was quite high-functioning. Her mom said that it was quite difficult because almost everywhere she went for help, people and therapists said that there was nothing wrong, and nothing to be concerned about. Mom knew, however, that the little girl had some struggles that her sibling did not.

"Mom's concerns were, that the little girl was easily distracted, had difficulty focusing, overstimulated by noise, car sickness, fear of heights, clumsy, poor coordination, difficulty catching a ball, difficulty with math, and some speech difficulties. It took her longer than is to be expected to formulate a thought. She would often start a sentence and then say, aah, mmhm, aah, and... etc, before continuing. When she got anxious, she would have a bit of a stutter, and chew her nails."

After going into the history a bit, mom reported that the little girl was born 2 and a half weeks early via C-section, due to a thyroid problem with the mom, and doctors were concerned that the baby was not growing and gaining weight as expected in the womb.

When the baby was 10 days old, the pediatrician suggested that she wear a hip splint, due to possible hip dysplacia. She wore this for most hours of the day until she was 3 months old.

Week 1:

We started working immediately on rhythmic movements. This was also given as homework, to be done daily.

Week 2:

During week 2 we continued to work on Rhythmic Movements, Spinal Galant, and feet, but also added hand reflexes because of the stuttering and speech issues.

Week 3:

During our third week, we did all of the above, but also added STNR.

This would also focus on some mom's concerns: Slumped posture, poor hand eye coordination, often fidgeting, finds it difficult to sit at desk ,trouble staying on task, easily distracted.

Week 4:

Continued to do rhythmic movements. Mom said that they were able to do the movements about 3 times per week. I encouraged mom to try for at least six times per week. Mom reported that her little girl seemed less stressed, less of a stutter able to focus more!

We did FPR and Moro, to reduce more of the anxiety.

"Even after our few sessions, I could see, that she talked more fluently. The stutter was only very occasionally. Her thoughts were more flowing. She said that she enjoyed PE at school more! And her mom mentioned that she was able to focus way better. Mom reported that it is the first time that she has found something that actually makes a difference for her little girl!"

I am excited to continue working with her.

(Emphasis added)

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