Infantile Reflexes Gone Astray in Autism

Written by Researchers

Infantile Reflexes Gone Astray in Autism


In the cases presented in this paper plus others we hypothesize that movement disturbances in infants can be interpreted as reflexes gone astray and may be early indicators for a diagnosis of autism. In the children reviewed some reflexes persist too long in infancy, whereas others first appear much later than they should. The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex is one reflex that may persist too long in autism. Head-verticalization in response to body tilt is a reflex that does not appear when it should in a subgroup of autistic-to-be infants. We suggest that it may be used by pediatricians to screen for neurological damage that may be a marker for a subgroup of autistic-tobe children, especially in families where there is a history of autism.

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