Dr. Blomberg's Case Study_ADHD Diagnosis Cancelled

Dr. Blomberg's Case Study_ADHD Diagnosis Cancelled

When I was beginning to work with rhythmic movements and reflex integration, I asked Dr. Blomberg a question via email:

"I know of a 15 year old who's been on ADHD medication since he was 8 with only brief interludes with no medication. His mother is looking for another option, because the boy can no longer be on medication due to health problems. I remember you saying in our class that the long term use of the [central stimulant] medication [for ADHD] creates a "burn out" in the synapses so that the uptake of dopamine is hindered. My question is: what is your experience [using RMT] with ones who have been on medication for a long time?"

"RMT [Rhythmic Movement Training] works very well with children who have been on medication with central stimulants for many years. You may want to add food supplements like minerals, vitamins and omega-3 aslso. You can expect great improvement and even total recovery from ADHD, which was proven by one of my patients who had been on medication for 6 years since he was six, when he was diagnosed with ADHD. In spite of the medication his symptoms only got worse and he had severe symptoms when he first started RMT. He had severe temper tantrums, severe attention problems, impulsivity, etc and attended school in a special class with seven students and five adults. After 8 months he joined a normal class and after 18 months he functioned perfectly. Recently he went back to the child psychiatric clinic to get his diagnosis cancelled. He made all the diagnostic tests and it was established he no longer had ADHD."

(Harald Blomberg, MD, from email communication, to Sonia Story, June 2008)

From this case study and many others since, it seems that our innate rhythmic and reflex movements are a key component to overcoming the symptoms of ADHD. As Dr. Blomberg mentioned, nutrients are also important.

For parents seeking neurodevelopmental movement as an alternative to medication for ADHD, it is important to consult with your doctor in cases where medication is already being given to the child.

Learn more about the importance of innate rhythmic movements and reflex integration here.

To learn innate rhythmic movements and in-depth reflex integration, join the online Brain and Sensory Foundations course for comprehensive video-based instruction.


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