“These movements make powerful changes in my clients and help improve their motor skills, emotional regulation, cognitive functioning and self-esteem!” 


Maggie Hall, OTR/L, Atlanta, GA


My second client was a 6-year old boy with provisional autism diagnosis; called “Adam”. He had a history of reactions to vaccinations, febrile seizures, auditory sensitivity, tactile sensitivity, poor transitions, hair-trigger reactions to new environments, perseveration, and severe oral defensiveness.

Together his mother and I collaborated on a goal to decrease tactile sensitivity to clothes. As a pediatric OT, I focus on identifying goals that parents want to see change first. As it was the beginning of summer and Adam would only wear long-sleeves and jeans, it was imperative that Adam adapt to summer clothes due to approaching 100 degree heat. We began with Rhythmic Movement. I taught his mother the positions and requested she get 10-15 minutes daily. As he progressed we added Moro reflex integration after 3 weeks of Rhythmic Movement daily and in our sessions twice a week.

Adam had moderate adverse reactions in the first week of Rhythmic Movement positions in my sessions. He complained of dizziness/upset stomach and responded somewhat baby-like. By his second week, Adam had relaxed into them significantly and enjoyed doing them both with me and at home. He actively sought to move his head longitudinally. His mother reported that they enjoyed their time together at home. Within four weeks of Rhythmic Movement and introduction of Moro integration. Adam was attending sessions in short-sleeves and shorts. His mother was shocked that he would easily accept these clothes because in the past they triggered significant meltdowns. We are currently working on Moro integration to further decrease his sensory overreactions, but have been amazed to see this transformation this summer.

Jenny Jolley, MS, OTR/L
Founder & Occupational Therapist
Imagination Station & On-Track Therapy

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